
Friday, November 29, 2019

My true story of Hansel and Gretel

St Bernadette's went to the ballet about Hansel and Gretel and it was a show with people acting but not talking. The Hansel and Gretel show was about Hansel and Gretel's poor family. They lived with their dad because their mum passed away so they a a mean step mother and wanted to abandon them but it didn't happen read my story and you will find out more.

  The true story of Hansel and Gretel
In a dark wooden house lived a very poor family. Hansel and Gretel were part of that family, they lived with their dad only because their mum passed away. 

One day their dad walked in with a lady and that lady looked mean, old and ugly as hell. Our dad said that she was going to be our stepmother and that she would live with us forever. She didn’t like us and we didn’t like her because all she did was growl at us like a dirty evil lion.

In the morning when I woke up we heard our dad and stepmother talking about taking me and Gretel to the forest and abandoning us so when they took them to the forest Hansel took some little rocks to lead them back home. Gretel started to cry when she woke up in the middle of nowhere but I remembered that I made a track for us.

Our stepmother looked even uglier when she saw us walking into the house like nothing happened, our dad said that he would never do such a thing like that ever again but he had to deal will what our stepmother said. So in the morning our stepmother thought that she would try again and she made sure that Hansel had nothing in his hand, so they took off into the woods and Hansel just sneaked out with some pieces of bread to make another track. When they woke up in the woods Gretel cried again but Hansel thought that he made a track but when he went to look where the pieces of bread were they were gone.

They were lost for a long time until they saw a candy house and it looked very good to eat so Hansel tested it to see if it was actually candy and it was, so they helped themselves and ate a lot of it. After about an hour later a witch came and locked Hansel inside of a cage so she could fatten him up and then eat him. 

The witch had a bad eye sight and Hansel always tricked the witch by making her touch a bone to make it feel too thin and not fat. Gretel found a key to open the cage for Hansel to get out. 

While the witch was mixing her pot Gretel went behind her and pushed her inside the pot of boiling green water and the witch died. Hansel and Gretel survived and found their way home but when they went home something good had happened and the good thing was that the stepmother died so Hansel, Gretel and their dad lived a happy life again.                                                                            

Thursday, November 28, 2019

My Creation Of A House Bus

In room five we have read a book called breakfast in the bus and we had to make our own house bus. I decided to make mine and put things that are in a normal house in to my house bus and mine will have s tears for you jump on. My house bus will tell you all the things I want in my house.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019


                         We were learning about why the world isn't the world covered in poo.

The world isn't covered because the of the dung beetles. Dung beetles find poo and role them up in a ball then barre them into a small hole. They are called dung beetles because dung means poo but in a nicer way.You could find lots of dung beetles ion the African plains because there are lots of herd animals that live there.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Eels Of The Anatoki River

                                                             WALT: Habitat for eels

I am working on synthesis and I have to make something for the people to bring there families to feel, touch, feed and hug the tame eels in the anatoki river. The book about the tame eels of anatoki is about how it started and of how the eels are still alive today. A margaret lived in a farm with her parents and she found a humongous eel in the lake and she fed everyday but when she went everyday there were more coming and since that day the eels are still aive.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rocky the Champion

In Rm 5 we had a different teacher,we had to write our own story about a picture that we chose. 
My story is about a 5 year old girl that had a dragon and the little girl her name is Cookie and the is called Rocky but sometimes Cookie calls Rocky Buddy. Enjoy my story!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Penguin Hostpital

I read a book and it's about a Penguin hospital. It's a true story and it's about different birds that go to the penguins hospital for all sorts of reasons and the reason can include injury's, broken wings and to young to be in the wild.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Tongan Heilala Flower

This flower is the first one I made with card paper and glue. This one was hard because I had to cut the outside then cut the inside.

This is the second one I made and I added red ink instead of paint. The flower was kind of hard because it was tared up by accident but then I glued it back on.

The last flower I made was out of red and black ink. I made it on a yellow piece of paper and the first and second flower were my stencil's to make this.