
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mouse Trap

I made a mouse trap but not just any mouse trap it's one that traps the mouse but doesn't kill it. I wrote down what the mouse trap does and how you can catch a mouse with it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

About My Culture

In my class we made a slide show about our culture and i'm Tongan so I had to make a slide show filled with information about my culture.The things I put on my work were what do I do as a tradition, what is my culture flag, what flower represents my culture, where was I born, what is my Tongan recipe and what are some traditional Tongan songs.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chas and his dogs


    In my literacy group we are reading a fiction and it's about farmer Chas and he live in a farm in  Pongaroa, the nearest place from his farm is one hour away from it.

In wrote all the information I know on a information web that I made and it will tell you more about the story in the book I read.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

free range happy hens

In my reading I was reading about this boy Zachary who lived in a farm in wairarapa and he had three thousand hens and they were free range hens which means they could go anywhere in the farm and at anytime. I had to write what I read in the story but in my own words and this is my writing.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My Strong Taonga


 Taonga is something you really care about, something that has been with you for a long time and it's  something that is like treasure to you.

I chose these images because my family is important to me and my family members are like treasure to me, I also chose the rugby ball, basketball and the kio rahi ball because I love sport. The earth is there because i'm grateful that I have somewhere to live, the Tongan and Maori flag represents my parents, grandparents, siblings and my culture.

In Rm 5 we are learning about Taonga and we had to a make poster of who or what is like treasure to you and I put my family, favorite sport, the earth, koru hearts and my culture flags and this is mine.